Pool Cracks & Leak Repairs in Bakersfield, CA
Raytek has the accurate technology for detecting the exact location and extent of a leak making repairs less invasive.
Structural Crack Pool Repair in Bakerfield, CA
Gone are the days when a 'structural pool leak' signified impending financial strain. At Raytek, we excel in using the globally recognized Torque Lock™ staples, a game-changer in addressing major pool surface leaks. This cutting-edge technology, celebrated by Pool & Spa News as one of the ‘Top 50 Products’ in 2005, has since become the go-to solution for pool repairs worldwide, particularly for gunite, shotcrete, concrete, and poured block pools.
Remember, delays in addressing pool leaks can escalate the repair costs and further damage. Our expert technicians at Raytek are adept in seamlessly applying Torque Lock staples, coupled with the right epoxy, ensuring a water-tight seal that endures the lifespan of your pool or spa. If you're seeking top-tier "pool repair near me" services in Bakersfield, look no further.

Pool Return Line Leak Repair
Return lines are usually the first lines in the plumbing system that leak. Being on the pressure side, return lines and pressure side cleaning lines literally take a beating by being subjected to very high pressure chlorinated water.
Improper back-filling, ground shifting, and expansive soils also often lead to return line failure.
Fact- 90% of return line failure occurs at a fitting and not in the pipe.
Give us a call for a free return line repair consultation today.
Skimmer Leak Repair
In-ground pool skimmers are designed to skim floating debris and leaves when they are working properly. They are set into a notch in the beam of a concrete (gunite / shotcrete) in-ground pool on the back side of the beam.
Set in concrete, they can be difficult to remove without hours of jackhammer work. The front side of the pool skimmer is packed with concrete and /or plaster, and the throat, leading into the skimmer, is tiled to match the perimeter tile band.
Most in-ground pool skimmers have two ports in the bottom of the skimmer. This allows the pool builder to either connect a Low-Water Suction port (or a main drain) into one port, usually the front port, and use the back port to connect the pipe that is run to the pool filter pump.
Another use of the second port is to connect two skimmers together, in series, so that one pipe goes to the pool filter pump (rarely plumbed this way).
Usually, the front port is plugged with a threaded plug, and the back port is plumbed to the pool filter pump.
Give us a call for a free skimmer repair quote today: